Saturday, August 8, 2009

Foods That Can Be Fatal To Yorkie Puppies

Actually I would like to pass on some information that all dogs owners need to know. You have found your Yorkie Puppy for sale, and made it your family member. You are aware of Yorkie puppies and hypoglycemia, and you are armed with information on training your puppy to go outside to relieve itself. And you are ready to teach your Yorkshire terrier on how to behave at home and in public. Do you know that certain foods that most people would not suspect can be fatal to your Yorkshire terrier?

Grapes and Raisins

There are reports that as few as 7 raisins or grapes can do great harm to your dog. Grapes and raisins can be so toxic to Yorkies (and all dog breeds) that it can cause renal failure. Raisins are small and handy for most of us to have at hand. When your Yorkie Pet behaves in a way that pleases you, it is a very natural thing to reach for a little treat. You look around for that little box of raisins or that bundle of grapes in the bottom of the refrigerator. Doing this could prove fatal to that Yorkshire terrier dog that you love so much.

Yorkie Puppies And Other Poisonous Foods

I put the grapes and raisins in a priority place because it seems that so many people are unaware of the potential risks involved. There are other foods (and plants) that have proven to be just as harmful and sometimes fatal to dogs. Check labels on canned foods before feeding. Foods that contain onions and onion powder can be toxic and damage your Yorkie’s red blood cells. Most of us at one time or another has feed tiny Yorkies that were experiencing sugar shock, baby food. Baby foods can contain onion powder. If fed enough onion, your puppy can be at risk for problems.

That is not to say that if your Yorkie eats a little piece of onion peel, it will immediately fall over dead.

The same is true about feeding dog large amounts of liver.

Milk, raw eggs and diary products, such as cottage cheese, can cause diarrhea. A small Yorkie puppy cannot tolerate a huge loss of body fluids caused by diarrhea. They will become weak very quickly and display signs of sugar shock and dehydration. This usually leads to loss of appetite and your puppy is in serious circumstances.

Give Your Dog a Bone?

Dogs and bones seem to go hand in hand. Chewing bones can be pleasant and helpful to your Yorkie. Just follow some common sense guidelines.

Always avoid bones that can become stuck in a dog’s throat or splinter in the digestive system. These bones are very hard to almost impossible to remove. There are some good choices such as hard rubber bones, just avoid small bones. You also might want to consider making your own doggie biscuits.

Yorkie Puppies And Caffeine

Yorkshire Terriers can develop the same kind of liking for chocolate that humans do. Who among us doesn’t love a little tib bit of chocolate? NEVER FEED YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE or anything that has caffeine in the ingredients. Chocolate can affect the heart and nervous system of a dog, doing great harm.

What Can I Feed my Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

Feed your dog a good dog food that has been formulated by people who have studied animal nutrition, and know all of the facts about keeping your Yorkie healthy and happy. By doing so, you will eliminate a great many of the hazards that can affect your pet.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tea Cup Yorkie Predators

You have searched long and hard for just the right Yorkshire Terrier Puppy. Make sure that you are aware of the fact that all Yorkie Puppies have lots of predators. With just a smart amount of caution you can assure the safety of your puppy.

Know The Predators

Threats come in different guises, shapes and sizes.

A small Tea Cup Yorkie darting around in an open area, such as a field, can present a deceptive outward appearance. To a large hawk flying high overhead, it can look like a rodent, and the "swoop and capture" reflex can be triggered.

Even your neighbors' friendly dog can experience the "sprint and capture" reflex. One family told us about a coyote that bounded from the surrounding woods, into their yard, and snatched their small, defenseless puppy.

Their was no time to reach their puppy, as the wild animal dashed back into the woods.

What was it that made you want to add a Yorkshire Terrier to your family? It was quite probably the first time you saw that ball of energy dashing around, eyes bright, silky hair flying in the wind. That is when people usually say, "I want one."

Make sure that the Yorkie you love so much is safe from human predators.

Unseen Tea Cup Yorkies

Your Yorkie loves to snuggle in a blanket, shirt, jeans, or anything else that is on the floor. If the object they have curled up into is full of material and folds, the predator here becomes a human foot. That is when a puppy nap becomes a heart breaking disaster.

Is is safe to take your Yorkie on a walk, into the park or let it run and play in your yard? Of course it is. After all, that is most likely the reason you wanted a dog in the first place. The key to avoiding all of the scenes mentioned above, is to watch your puppy, just as you would watch your child in public and outside areas. Be aware of that bundle of silky hair running along side of you. They are depending on you for protection.